How to get Facebook Followers in 2023

Get Facebook followers

A good Facebook page can mean more sales than a shop window in the central street of a big city. According to data from the famous Statista statistics portal, people spend an average of more than 3 hours a day browsing the Internet. Clearly, a large part of this time is spent on social media.
For this reason, it is so important to have a good strategy and a Facebook page that “ hooks ”. In this post, we tell you some of the best tricks to get those followers.

Post Frequently

It is recommended to publish between 2 and 3 times a day , but without exceeding this number. Facebook analyzes the interaction with your content, such as the comments or the “likes” you receive, and based on that it gives you more visibility . That is, the more interaction your content has, you will reach more people.
It is not that Facebook promotes you, but that it will show you earlier when someone does a search related to the topic of your page.
The problem is that it is very difficult to have a high interaction when you share more than 3 posts a day.
In addition, for this content to be of quality you must dedicate some time to it, and if you do not have unlimited time it is more advisable that you dedicate all your effort in few publications but that are of high quality.

Call to Action (CTA)

And with action we mean “likes” , comments, shares… It is very important that in the first moments your publication receives interaction, because that will give it a lot of “push”. A very simple trick is to ask your close circle , such as family and friends, to like , comment or share that post. At first you can share that post yourself through groups of instant messaging social networks, such as WhatsApp or Telegram. A second option is to share those posts in Facebook groups for many people to see. Of course, keep in mind that, depending on the content of the post (and the theme of the blog), it will be much easier to get interaction or not. For example, posts with images or videos tend to be more eye- catching, and therefore get more interaction. Our brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than text and generates around 94% more views. Another technique widely used by the best Community Managers is to include questions in your own post , inviting your followers to answer those questions in the comments . It is also a good way to involve them in your page and get loyalty from these users. Another very important point is the presentation of these posts, as we have seen before, posts that have images or graphics attract much more attention. Even if you don’t have a photo graphic that makes sense with the text, you can create the image that accompanies it as a header with the title of the post, as we have done in this article. To create it, a very good option is Canva, where you can find a lot of templates (with specific dimensions for Facebook) that can serve as inspiration. Regarding the type of posts, I suggest you put shame aside and make some content in video format , because it usually has much more interaction. On social networks, people tend to prefer listening to reading large texts.

Invite people to like your page

Of course, you must be clear that having many followers is a good thing and it is fine, but the most important thing, by far, is that the followers you have interact with your content. For example, an account with 2,000 followers and 30 likes is much worse than one with 1,000 followers but 500 likes. That is why we talked before about the importance of having a target audience about which you have some security and knowledge about what they like. It is also recommended that you look for other pages to tag you . It does not have to be about the same topic, because the competition is hardly going to give you publicity , but you can look for complementary niches and that way you both win.

Add the “ like” button on your website

The next tip is that if you have a website or other account on a social network, link to your Facebook page. In this way, you will be gaining followers from a medium other than Facebook. It is important that you make it easy for the user and that they can follow you easily, without leaving your website.

Organize contests on Facebook

When you already have a certain number of followers on your Facebook page, it is a wonderful method to make yourself known. And do not think that contests and raffles always require an economic investment. Imagine that we are creating a page where we upload free WordPress courses , because we are experts in web development and SEO . We can raffle off a website creation consultancy session if you don’t have one, or a free audit if you do.

Use Facebook Ads

All the tricks we have seen so far will help you a lot to get followers on your Facebook page, but for some time Facebook has updated its algorithm and favors paying accounts more. Edge Rank is the famous Facebook algorithm that decides which posts and accounts are displayed first when performing a search or on the wall of your followers. In 2018, the organic reach (not paid) of the fan pages was limited. That is, when you make a publication on your page, not all the followers you have see it , because other posts from accounts that have paid appear before them. Imagine that you as a user follow me in the account that I have given before as an example of the WordPress page that I have created, and that you also follow a page of a brand that sells sneakers. If I don’t pay for the promotion and the other page does, by default the other one will appear before. Since we follow so many people, it is very difficult to get to see all the updates on your wall, so you may not see my post. Of course, do not doubt that with effort and following a good strategy you will be able to go far with your Facebook page.

Buy Facebook

Here in Neofollower, we provide different services for Facebook. You can buy Facebook followers, likes, Comments, Reviews & Ratings, Event join, and many more. These help you to pump your posts and pages to help facebook show your posts and profile to more people.
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